About me

Posted on Sep 2, 2024

Hey, I’m Pierre Beaujean. I’m a >30 years old male, living in Belgium.


I have a Ph.D. in quantum chemistry (obtained in October 2021 in the university of Namur).

Currently, I am a postdoctoral researcher on the ECOBAT (EOS) project, to study new batteries from a quantum chemistry point of view. My goal is to study new batteries from a quantum chemistry level, more specifically focusing on the interface between the anode and the electrolyte, the solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) layer. To do so, I use different quantum chemistry code such as Gaussian, VASP, and CP2K. Thought I mostly use DFT, I have also experience with other post-HF methods such as MP2 or Coupled Cluster.

If you want to know more, my public CV is available here.

Computer programming

I also recently (June 2020) obtained a bachelor in Computer Science, following years of autodidact training. I mostly code in Python (with the different parts of the scipy stack) and sometimes in C (with OpenMP and MPI). I also have knowledges in HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

I have developed different projects over the years, mostly to help me during my scientific carrier.

Active scientific projects:

  • cp2k-basis, a library to parse CP2K basis sets and GTH pseudopotentials, which also comes with a web service to find out and select a basis set and its matching pseudopotential for your CP2K calculations.
  • ec-interface, a set of tools to create electrochemical interface calculations (for VASP).
  • just-psf, a set of tools to create a (quick and dirty) topology to be used with VMD.
  • nachos, a code for the calculation of the different quantities coming from numerical differentiation of energy (oriented toward computation of vibrational contributions).
  • phonopy-vibspec, tools to simulate IR and Raman spectra with Phonopy.
  • pyiso4, an implementation of the ISO 4 standard for journal titles abbreviations in Python.
  • qcip_tools (Quantum Chemistry In Python (QCIP) tools package): a library to parse and use the output of some quantum chemistry files.
  • scalapacke, create the missing C headers (as well as some wrappers) for scaLAPACK.
  • stdlite, a light-weight sTD-DFT library and runner.
  • vasp-opt-follows, follows different criterion of an optimization done with VASP.

Active non-scientific projects:

Dormant/archived projects:

  • helmhurts-python, solve the Helmholtz equation to model the amplitude field of wireless.
  • logical-enough, a small website to test student’s knowledge of search expressions.
  • pybibtex, provides a Python API to parse BibTeX files.
  • pytexcount, count the number of words in a TeX document, but tries to be clever about it.
  • timeflip-tt, a lightweight custom time tracker based on TimeFlip.